Fire Security


Fire Security offer cable repair and fire protection in Singapore.

Since 2000 Fire Security have done several cable repair and cable fireproofing projects in South East Asia, including rig projects in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. We have also worked at some of the shipyards in Singapore.

Steve Baldry and Paal Mathisen - Fire Security, Meeting with Ron Lim from Boon Hong Engineering in Singapore.

Steve Baldry and Paal Mathisen, Meeting with Ron Lim from Boon Hong Engineering in Singapore.

We aim to work together with service companies for the many shipyards in Singapore.

A few weeks ago Fire Security’s Asia Manager Paal Mathisen visited Singapore together with our new freelance advisor Steve Baldry. Steve has worked with oil rig building and conversion for 40+ years and has been in Vantage Drilling, Seadrill and Statoil for the last 10 years.

The companies we met with on this trip are all service companies for the many shipyards in Singapore. We discussed the possibility of them working with Fire Security for cable life extension and fire protection for their clients in Singapore shipyards. We had meetings with companies like:

Rebuilding the cable screen is an important part of Fire Security's approved electrical cable repair process.

Rebuilding the cable screen is an important part of our approved electrical cable repair process.

  • Megawatts Engineering Services
  • Spiral Marine
  • Supreme Oilfield Services
  • K.A. Group
  • Boon Hong Engineering
  • Applus K2
  • Alexander S Pte Ltd


Paal Mathisen and Steve Baldry meet with Paul Sanderson from Applus K2 at their workshop and rope access training center in Singapore.

Meeting with Paul Sanderson from Applus K2 at their workshop and rope access training center in Singapore.


Steve Baldry and Paal Mathiisen from Fire Security meet with Alex Long and Daniel Neo from Alexander S Pte Ltd in Singapore.

Meeting with Alex Long and Daniel Neo from Alexander S Pte Ltd.


Fire Security President Leif Harald Tveitnes started our cable fire protection operations in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia in 2000.

Fire Security President Leif Harald Tveitnes

Fire Security’s President Leif Harald Tveitnes started our operations in South East Asia in 2000.

Leif Harald’s experience with projects in South East Asia started in 1999 as a general manager for several companies in Harald Frigstad Engineering Pte Ltd in Singapore. In 2000 he became an Asia manager for Fire Security and did several projects for the oil company Total in Indonesia, in addition to some projects in Singapore and Malaysia.
Fire Security did cable repair and fire protection projects on oil rigs like:
  • Transocean: “Deepwater Expedition”
  • Transocean: “Ron Tappmeyer”
  • Vanguard SPC: FPSO Vanguard Four
  • Bergesen Offshore DY ASA: “FPSO Berge Hus”
  • Bergesen Offshore DY ASA: “FPSO Bergesen Enterprise”

Paal Mathisen has been our Asia-Pacific manager since 2005.

Steve Baldry and Paal Mathisen

Steve Baldry and Paal Mathisen.

Paal Mathisen started working at Fire Security in 2005.  Paal has done projects in many countries in the region. In Singapore, he did projects for Seadrill, on the oil rigs “West Leo” and “Sea Dragon” in 2011.

Paal came to know Steve Baldry who then worked for Seadrill at Jurong Shipyard. And After we have repaired the electrical cables we apply our FS5 fireproof, six years later, Steve is part of our team as a freelance advisor for the rig market in South East Asia.

Together with Paal and Steve, Fire Security aim to increase our presence in this market, in Singapore mainly in cooperation with local contractors, offering our DNV-GL approved cable repair life extension and fire protection coating system.

Fire Security Asia-Pacific is run from our office in Jakarta Indonesia, see contact page.

More info on our cable repair and cable fire protection services.